The island of Ukerewe is a densely populated rural island, with subsistence agriculture employing over 90% of the population. Historically, fishing was another main economic activity; however, fishing as a source of individual livelihood has dramatically declined. Ukerewe is one of the poorest districts in Tanzania.

The Canada Africa Community Health Alliance (CACHA) has been working in partnership with the Ukerewe District Council and the Nansio Hospital to provide free health care to the people of Ukerewe Island. One to two medical caravans travel to Ukerewe Island yearly and since 2009 CACHA groups and individuals have been developing and supporting projects on the island.

Dealing with urgent medical issues e.g. broken bones, high fever, malnutrition.

For example, $400 can help a child to walk; $54 can purchase health insurance for a child for one year, covering procedures and medications.

For example, $600 a month will pay for a community development worker to teach:

For example, $2000 will provide an oxygen concentrator assisting very ill people to breath more easily and heal more quickly;

Purchase needed supplies for the hospital;  Assist in advocating to the local Tanzanian government for much needed support.

Further information can be provided by contacting Cathy Cleary:   [email protected] or 613 876-0330

Spending of funds is confined to CACHA programs and projects approved by CACHA’s Board of Directors. Each contribution directed toward an approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason, the Board will determine the reallocation of  remaining restricted contributions.




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