Patricia Robinson

  1. Thank you for considering a donation! This is my fourth medical caravan with CACHA to Ukerewe, Tanzania as a nurse practitioner.

We go to many different villages and work along with local care providers. Your support of this mission will provide individuals in need with dental care, eye exams and glasses, on the spot HIV, malaria and syphilis testing, surgeries, medications, and medical assessments. We pay for transportation, medical tests and hospital fees for those patients who require more care than we can provide. In addition, stipends are provided for our hardworking Tanzanian partners, who often join caravan while working shifts at their regular jobs. Their dedication and passion for caring for their fellow Tanzanians is truly humbling. Funds are also put towards a project that the locals have identified as highest need, which, for this mission, is the Lake Victoria Children’s Emergency Health Care Fund . We have a close working relationship with this group and are happy to have a liaison join caravan to provide invaluable assistance in accessing resources for their vulnerable children.

I really appreciate your support as your donation will improve the health of people living on Ukerewe Island! Thank you.

See more details about the Mission

The individuals on these pages are raising funds in support of CACHA’s mission. The funds are given to CACHA to defray the costs of participation in, and supplies for, the mission, and not for the personal benefit of any participant. CACHA retains control over the use of all donated funds. Once the needs for the program have been met, or cannot be completed for any reason, any remaining contributions will be used where needed most.


Ukerewe Island Medical Mission Fall 2025

Start Date
