Hello, I’m Heather Dedman and I will be going on CACHA caravan to Ukerewe Island in the fall of 2025.
I am happy to be returning to Ukerewe Island to work with Canadian and Tanzanian friends and colleagues to continue our work in bring health care to people in the villages on the island.
The majority of donations go towards the tools we need to provide quality care, including medical equipment, logistical supplies (ie: tents and canvass to help protect waiting patients from the sun and/or rain), medications, and surgical supplies. Stipends are also provided for our hardworking Tanzanian partners, who often join caravan while working shifts at their regular jobs. Their passion and dedication for caring for their people is truly humbling. Funds are also put towards a project that the locals have identified as highest need, which, for this mission, is the Lake Victoria Children’s Emergency Health Care Fund https://www.lakevictoriachildren.org/ . We have a close working relationship with this group and are happy to have a liaison join caravan to provide invaluable assistance in accessing resources for their vulnerable children.
Together with my co-team lead Katy Griffin and CACHA field coordinator Steve Saning’o, we plan to co-ordinate a mission that enables our volunteers to provide quality and safe health care services and health care education to the people of Ukerewe Island. Our goal is to see approximately 2000 people and fund approximately 40 surgeries, resources permitting.
Thanks in advance for any support you choose to provide.
If you are interested in joining the mission or any other, please reach out to the CACHA office to be put in touch with our team leads at [email protected]
See more details about the Mission
The individuals on these pages are raising funds in support of CACHA’s mission. The funds are given to CACHA to defray the costs of participation in, and supplies for, the mission, and not for the personal benefit of any participant. CACHA retains control over the use of all donated funds. Once the needs for the program have been met, or cannot be completed for any reason, any remaining contributions will be used where needed most.
Start Date