In May 2005, during a CACHA mission to Tanzania in the midst of the AIDS epidemic, the need to support the growing number of orphans and vulnerable children was evident.
With the help of local hospital staff and a CIDA intern, a wide range of children living in vulnerable conditions was identified including those with health issues (for example HIV-positive status), a caretaker having health issues (including HIV/AIDS), one or both parent(s) missing, and children living with grandparents, extended family or in child-headed households with no adult care. To help educate these rural children and youth, CACHA implemented the Orphans and Vulnerable Children – Children Living with HIV/AIDS Project, now called OVC, in association with the Kilema Hospital in Kilema, Tanzania.
CACHA supports these children by:
Providing basic necessities such as food, clothing, and medical care;
Ensuring they have access to education and providing the necessities to attend school, including fees, uniforms, school supplies, and exam fees;
Utilizing tracking systems to ensure monitoring of support.
Over the years, the number of children in the OVC program has fluctuated. As of March 2019, the program supports a total of 45 children and youths, seven enrolled in primary school, 27 in secondary school, five in vocational school learning welding and tailoring, and six in college studying engineering, French language, education and history in the Swahili language, secretarial, food and beverage service and sales, and tourism.
Daily we receive requests from new families reaching out for an opportunity to climb out of poverty through support from CACHA’s OVC project which provides funding for their children’s education and as well as family support including food, medical care, and essential home improvements (as needed).
We are presently unable to accept any new children into the project since expenses increase dramatically as the children progress to higher education. With your support, CACHA will be able to bring more children and youth into the OVC program.
Please consider donating to this ongoing and successful education project giving children, youth, and their families hope and a brighter future.
Thank you.
Spending of funds is confined to CACHA programs and projects approved by CACHA’s Board of Directors. Each contribution directed toward an approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason, the Board will determine the reallocation of remaining restricted contributions.
For more information about this project please contact CACHA’s Assistant Project Officer [email protected]